Hosted by AHAIN (Affordable Housing Association of Indiana)
Register here:
Contact Amanda Clark for any questions: 317-210-0053
A comprehensive online training on the Rural Development 515 Program leading to receiving the S.T.A.R. Rural Development certification.
The Spectrum Training Award Recipient (S.T.A.R.) may be earned by passing a certification exam after viewing the Rural Development 515 course. RD is implementing HOTMA on 7/1/25. The NEW Star class will cover all the HOTMA law changes, updates to 5.609 and 5.603 definitions of assets/income, the revised 3560-8 Tenant Certification along with allowance changes. STAR also covers all other RD management concerns including occupancy policy, continuing eligibility, service animals, FH updated on accommodations, new leasing requirements, VAWA and much more.